Monday, September 26, 2011

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Eric and I reached our goal of raising $2,000!! We have stopped taking donations at this point and can not express our gratitude enough to all of you who have donated. Olivia is still having a pretty rough time re cooperating but she's a trooper! We'll update again soon with more pictures..

Sunday, September 25, 2011

She's home!

We didn't get a chance to update yesterday as we were a little overwhelmed/excited by Olivia's homecoming. Olivia got home yesterday afternoon and was so excited to see the both of us.. She has a big cone around her head (we got her a nice "comfy cone"). She can't walk on her back leg but can hobble and hop around a little inside the apartment as long as we watch her and she doesn't attempt to go too fast or jump onto anything. The crying has been the hardest part, she cries and moans a lot.. but we really don't blame her- she's in a lot of pain and discomfort. Olivia has pain medicine to take three times a day which is helping her rest too. Food is particularly hard to get down with out throwing up and we have to force her to drink water with a water bottle as she doesn't want to drink at all. Kaitlin slept on the living room floor with her last night since she wasn't too happy to spend the first night back in the kitchen.. and she can't sleep on our bed or the couch because we can't risk her jumping off. She doesn't have a cast because her leg is too swollen (hence the cone- so she doesn't lick at it).

Stitches come off in two weeks. The plate is permanent but at least with the stitches gone the cone of shame will be off! We've been taking her on walks with a wagon and she really enjoys getting out and getting some fresh air- even though she can't walk around just yet. We're so over joyed to have her back and will nurse her back to good health as quickly as we get. Thanks for all the e-mails and concern! We'll update again soon.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Surgery Update

Hello, Eric, Olivia's daddy here. Olivia underwent surgery earlier this afternoon and the doctor told me it went great. With the spiral break in her leg they had to wind wire around both broken bones and then attached a metal plate to each bone and secured them with screws. The metal plates are permanent and will never come out. Healing should take take 8 to 10 weeks and for a long time she will be restricted to very little movement so that nature can take it's course and the break can heal correctly. Unfortunately, due to doctor's orders we were unable to come visit her tonight. We miss her dearly and can't wait for her to come home. Tomorrow morning she'll be discharged and we'll have another update then.
Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the overwhelming support from everyone. From friends and family to fellow animal owners and complete strangers we all have a common understanding of what it means to help a family member in need, even if that family member is furry with four legs.
Have a good night,

Update: Going into surgery

Olivia just got moved from the Emergency Vet in Greenlake and is now at her new Animal Hospital in Shoreline, Eric is with her as she is getting ready for her big surgery.. She has to sit in a hamper (that she also had to sit in in Eric's car so she didn't try to walk)- which was a suggestion from our Vet. She loves Eric and I so much and wants to jump up and walk over to us when we're around but she can't put any pressure on her back leg.. Eric said she doesn't mind it, it's almost like a little chariot for her! Her surgery is any minute now and we get to go back tonight to visit her. We'll update later after the surgery. Thanks so much again for everyone's concern and help..

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Update on Olivia

Eric and I just got back from spending time with Olivia in the hospital. She's heavily sedated but was so happy to see us. We got to hold her and let her visit with her stuffed animal bull from home. She goes in for surgery tomorrow at 10:45am and will be there at least until Saturday. She'll be in her back leg cast for a couple months, so no walks for her any time soon.. but she will have plenty attention at home and we will be catering her every little need! It's really sad to see your baby whimpering, and wanting to go home with you and leaving her at a scary hospital all night. As a rescue dog she's particularly scared of being abandoned.

With that said- I'd like to express our overwhelming gratitude to your generous donations. We are just over $1,000 right now, we are so blown away and have shed many happy tears over the compassion you have all shown us. We plan on paying it forward how ever we can after this is all over with. Here are a few pictures from tonight...

My name is Kaitlin and this is my fiance and I's dog Olivia.

She's our baby, we rescued her when she was two and a half and love her like she was our child. This morning she was hit by a car who drove off and left her on the side of the road with my frantic fiance Eric. She was rushed to the hospital and has to stay a few days. The total medical costs are around $5,000 for her stay at the hospital and major surgery on her leg to repair a spiral break so that she can walk and run and play again. This may mean possibly post poning our wedding but she's only four and deserves everything we can do for her. We will be updating pictures and updates whenever we can.

If anyone would like to donate to her enormous medical bills that my fiance and I unfortunately can not afford here is a link: