Sunday, September 25, 2011

She's home!

We didn't get a chance to update yesterday as we were a little overwhelmed/excited by Olivia's homecoming. Olivia got home yesterday afternoon and was so excited to see the both of us.. She has a big cone around her head (we got her a nice "comfy cone"). She can't walk on her back leg but can hobble and hop around a little inside the apartment as long as we watch her and she doesn't attempt to go too fast or jump onto anything. The crying has been the hardest part, she cries and moans a lot.. but we really don't blame her- she's in a lot of pain and discomfort. Olivia has pain medicine to take three times a day which is helping her rest too. Food is particularly hard to get down with out throwing up and we have to force her to drink water with a water bottle as she doesn't want to drink at all. Kaitlin slept on the living room floor with her last night since she wasn't too happy to spend the first night back in the kitchen.. and she can't sleep on our bed or the couch because we can't risk her jumping off. She doesn't have a cast because her leg is too swollen (hence the cone- so she doesn't lick at it).

Stitches come off in two weeks. The plate is permanent but at least with the stitches gone the cone of shame will be off! We've been taking her on walks with a wagon and she really enjoys getting out and getting some fresh air- even though she can't walk around just yet. We're so over joyed to have her back and will nurse her back to good health as quickly as we get. Thanks for all the e-mails and concern! We'll update again soon.


  1. That is wonderful news!!! Keep us updated!! Send her lots of love and kisses!!!

  2. This is Great! I have been posting the blog on my pooches site and all over FB too. We hope things get better fast and that everyone comes through to help your family. We would love to see her better and your wedding be on time! You will have life time followers now in her life and yours, because, we all care and only want the best for everyone*)

  3. That is NOT a happy pup in those pics, but it's great news that she is back home. I hope she has a speedy recovery. Until then the awesome little red wagon will help counter the cone of shame. ;)
